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1 Please note that not all financial institutions report exchange rates. The following institutions (31) are currently supported: Abay Bank, Addis International Bank, Ahadu Bank, Amhara Bank, Ammann Forex Bureau, Awash Bank, Ayotan Forex Trading, Bank of Abyssinia, Berhan Bank, Bunna Bank, Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (CBE), Coopbank, Dashen Bank, Development Bank of Ethiopia, Enat Bank, Gadaa Bank, Global Bank Ethiopia, Goh Betoch Bank, Hibret Bank, Hijra Bank, Lion International Bank, Nib International Bank, Oromia Bank, Sidama Bank, Siinqee Bank, Tsedey Bank, Tsehay Bank, Wegagen Bank, Yoga Forex Bureau, ZamZam Bank, Zemen Bank.